The Oddfellows – What’s Yours & Mine CD
Way back in January 2021, Patrick Chng, the lead singer of The Oddfellows, reached out to us to design a logo. In March, a dinner with the band to discuss band photos turned to a big reveal that they were working on a new album to be released this year. Half a year later, What’s Yours and Mine was finally out, 29 years since their last album!
It’s been an honour to create for The Oddfellows, a band that is often credited for igniting indie rock music in Singapore, a band we’ve never ceased to love, whose music has always given us an awesome buzz through our Walkmans and such great kicks at their gigs.
The album cover artwork was conceived together with the Silent Worlds single released a fortnight before. It shares the same mixed media aesthetic of acrylic painting and photography collage, with imagery inspired by the lyrics of the 11 songs in the album as well as the energy of the music.
Released initially in digital format, the album will also be released in vinyl record and CD (seen here) formats which come with lyric sheets and a booklet.
To listen to The Oddfellows’ delightful rocking new album, What’s Yours and Mine, head to Spotify for now.