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Fiction@Love TVC

Fiction@Love is an exihibition that was organized by the Singapore Art Museum and Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art, whereby it examines the influence of contemporary popular culture such as anime, comics, graphic communications, and manga in art.

Through paintings, murals, sculptures, videos and interactive installations, the exhibition looks at ways in which emotions like ‘love’ are expressed, transformed by the crossovers of the real and the virtual, and exposure to the aesthetics of the internet and comics.

It featured 51 pieces of paintings, murals, sculptures, videos and interactive installations from Singapore, Malaysia, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Denmark and America and brought together a constellation of renowned figures across Asia including ourselves.

We had 5 artworks of 2 posters and 3 videos in the exhibition. Being video artists, the museum thought it would be interesting if we were commissioned to create a television commercial to promote the exhibition, so we took our favourite imagery from selected works and created an energetic video for it.

Client: Client name
Year: Year
Tags: exhibition, Motion, Singapore Art Musuem
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