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Our world is in distress and we unwillingly strain it on a daily basis. Possibilities are separated by thin lines. Will we ever realise that our actions today directly affect tomorrow?

We presented a future of supposed realities in an installation involving illustration, typography, interactivity, sound and motion graphics, that was a reaction to world events and observation of the imbalance in the world.

Presentense maps common emotive responses with current and projected statistical information to produce a graphic art landscape of our impending future. Tracing a spectrum of possibilities – utopian to dystopian, hope to hopeless, potential environmental change – the gallery space was used to physically highlight the imbalance and overlapping relationships of the composite possibilities. Public interaction within the space formed an integral part of the work, using sensors to trigger a constant evolving artwork.

Presentense sought to challenge social perceptions and provoke reaction through experimental graphical representation and by rewarding interaction and exploration of the work.

The exhibition was held at The Substation Gallery, Singapore from 26 November – 2 December 2007.

Client: fFurious
Year: 2007
Tags: Digital, exhibition, illustration, Presentense, Spatial
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