The Great Spy Experiment: Litmus
As one of the highlights of the Singapore independent music scene, The Great Spy Experiment plays melodic, dance-driven, indie rock music that has garnered widespread acclaim and brought their music to internationally renowned events such as Baybeats, One Movement, and South-by-Southwest festivals, and as far as New York, Perth, Cannes and Taipei.
It’s been 6 years since the release of their first album, Flower Show Riots, and 2013 will see the release of their sophomore album, Litmus. The band got in touch with us to design their album packaging, website and a suite of merchandise that will soon be released.
Their brief to us consisted of a series of keywords that included litmus, clinical, white, test, personal, geometry and reflective, and left that to us to conceptualise the artwork that would evolve into the variety of formats.
The packaging of the music album features a set of tileable geometric patterns in smokey pastel colours. When opened, it contains a jacket with a CD inside and a series of geometric die-cut cards of the lyrics and the band members’ photos. The outer cover is printed on a special shimmering paper, whlle the inner contents are printed on a textured wood-free paper.
CD is available now in good music stores. Merchandise is available for sale at the band’s concerts.
Check out the website at